A great year for us - we both enjoyed good health.
We started off the year in Playa del Carmen, Mexico, where we had spent 11 days with John's Mom, sister Doreen, and Susann's Dad.
About to enjoy my birthday cake.
Before making the long drive to Saskatoon across the beautiful prairie with its wonderful sky!
We visited family and friends in Saskatoon, before heading to Kinistino for the Young Family reunion, and then on to Doreen's cabin at Emma Lake. We finally headed for home near the end of July.
We enjoyed another week at the cabin, and then I headed up to Whitehorse for a two-week rafting trip with 13 others down the Tatsenshini/Alsek Rivers. We had three rafts and negotiated some raging whitewater, mostly on the first day, and thought the rest would be easy. But we had a wake-up call the second day when in a relatively tame section one of the rafts tipped. Not fun, in that cold water! Beautiful scenery all along the way, but especially in Alaska with all the glaciers. We camped at Alsek Lake for two nights, with glaciers calving their icebergs into the lake with resounding booms. Spectacular!
Alsek Lake
Nearing Alsek Lake
But lest you think it was all fun and games for me, I did do some work. In the spring I rebuilt our back fence and gate:
And I also dug the trench for the light and electrical outlet at the back.
In the fall, before I headed off to Ecuador, I rebuilt our deck roof at the cabin and also erected this shelter for our tent trailer, complete with concrete footings for the anchors (we do get some wind out here!):
And then, I cashed in my brownie points and headed off to Ecuador, stopping in at Ron's in Texas on the way:
Some of Ron and Beth's 7 dogs (almost all rescues!).
And two rescue donkeys. (Ron didn't earn the nick-name "Nature Boy" for nothing!)
I was in Ecuador for 4 1/2 weeks, two weeks in the city of Cuenca where I studied Spanish and volunteered at an after-school "home-work club." I then travelled for two weeks, on the Inca Trail, into the Amazon basin, to Quito, and to the village of Mindo in the cloud forest.
I loved Ecuador, for its scenery:
Cajas National Park

Laguna Grande in Cuyabeno National Park

Laguna Grande in Cuyabeno National Park
For the traditional people:
A vaquero on the Inca Trail to Ingapirca Ruins

A husband and wife milking a cow the old-fashioned way.
The flora:
Near Mindo, in the Andean cloud forest
For the fauna:
For the cheap and tasty food:
This fruit ensalada was $2.20 in a vegetarian restaurant in Cuenca.
In Ecuador you can buy Almuerzos, lunch specials, for as little as $1.75::
Good thing the food tasted better than the restaurant looked:
I also loved the colourful cities of Cuenca and Quito (both UNESCO World Heritage Sites):
The Old Cathedral in Cuenca.
While I was away, Susann kept busy, with her work as an Elementary School Principal:
Susann putting her artistic skills to use helping these two kindergarten students.
And she kept up with her busy social life, going to Whistler for a weekend in November with Christa:
And keeping up with her wine-drinking club, oops, I mean book club.
We hope you've had a good year and all the best in the New Year!
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