Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Life and Death at the Nanaimo River Hatchery

Salmon jumping and swimming, live fish, dying fish, and dead fish, on the shore and in the water. And, of course, the smell of dead fish in the air.

Yes, the Nanaimo River Hatchery is a fishy place right now!

The river below the hatchery - note the dead fish in front of the log.

Ripples from a jumping fish - I wan't able to catch one in the air. Not patient enough I guess.

A backlog of carcasses at the top of the fish ladder.

The kiss of death.

Many coho salmon below the fish ladder.

The darker one is a chum salmon.

Many people were enjoying walking along the level trails.

The Nanaimo River Hatchery is about a 15 minute drive south of Nanaimo. Take the turn-off for the Cassidy Rest Stop and take Beck Road at the south of the rest stop. From there the signage to the hatchery is obvious. 


  1. What a "fishy" day out there, John, resulting in the most beautiful pictures!

    1. Thanks, although Chica didn't like the fish much.

  2. Good to see so many salmon. Thanks for sharing these.

  3. We are lucky to have these kinds of sights so close to us. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos 😊!
